Jeremy Royer / by Incite Institute at Columbia University

Who is Jeremy Royer?

Jeremy Royer was raised on the south side of Cheyenne, Wyoming, and in California, near Sacramento. He is married and has two children. He works in the transportation industry (trucking) and identifies as Libertarian and Lutheran. 

Excerpt from interview with Jeremy Royer by Whitney Dow, 2018

Royer: [01:37:45] I’m a father, and so I want my kids to be happy. I want my daughter especially to be married to a man who will care for her, and love her, and provide for her in the best way he can, and that might not be a white guy I suppose. Odds are probably, it will be because, again, we’re just playing a statistics game at that point, right. But no, I don’t think that that would bother me. If he was a thug, or a jerk, or a wife beater, or something like that, that would bother me, but that would be regard—if he drove a Ford, that might drive me insane. I mean I might really have a problem with that, but no. I don’t think, generally, that would bother me.

Q1: How might it—would it make you feel if your grandchildren didn’t look like you, looked fundamentally different? Is that something—? Because you talk a lot about your history and you have this very attached history to Wyoming, and your family that came over, and the Germans.

Royer: Sure.

Q1: And all of a sudden now, that ends with you or your kids, and you now have a very different-looking set of grandchildren. Would that be an issue for you?

Royer: [01:39:19] I might have mentioned earlier—and I didn’t so I apologize—but my wife is Jewish, not religiously Jewish anymore. She converted, but they were reformed, so she’s—her ancestry is Polish and Austrian mostly, but, they have certain traits that are different than mine. In fact, she has health concerns that we have to worry about because of the Ashkenazi bloodline, and the BRCA [breast cancer] gene, and so we have to have—we spend a lot of money getting her MRIs [magnetic resonance imaging] every year to make sure she doesn’t have cancer developing. My daughter will have that. [shows emotion], so no, I don’t think it matters. Excuse me, I’m sorry. That was unexpected [laughs]. I apologize.

Q1: No need to apologize. I have three daughters myself, you know they carried a lot of tears.

Interview Transcript